About me

Hi there, my name is Sarah (she/her). I am a Postdoc and feminist political geographer, currently affiliated at the University of Bonn, Germany. My work investigates how the law proceeds and multiplies classed and racialized geographies of inequalities within and through state-driven institutions such as courts, asylum facilities, employment offices, and carceral spaces.

Employment history & work experience

Since 10/2021

PostDoc @Social Geography Working Group | University of Bonn, Germany

Project: "Geographies of Social Inequality exemplified by Eviction Lawsuits" (founded by Argelander Starter-Kit Grant for PostDocs)


Research Associate & PhD Candidate @Social Geography Working Group | University of Bonn, Germany


Third Party Project Coordinator & PhD student @Political Geography Working Group | University of Muenster, Germany

Project: "A political-geographical analysis of German state protection procedures in the context of the Syrian war" (founded by Fritz Thyssen Stiftung under Grant No.


Research Associate & PhD Student @Political Geography Working Group | University of Muenster, Germany

Educational Background


PhD in Geography

University of Muenster | Supervision: Paul Reuber)


Visiting PhD Student

Feminist Geography Collective, University of Austin, TX, USA


Visiting MA Student

University of Houston, TX, USA


Master of Arts in Political & Social Sciences

University of Leipzig, Germany


Master of Education in Geography & German philology

Bachelor of Arts in Geography & German philology

University of Muenster, Germany